JBCE co-signed the Joint Statement of the business associations on the Forced Labour Product Ban

29 Feb 2024

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JBCE CSR Committee Interviewed by EURACTIV on CSDDD

25 Aug 2023

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JBCE cosigned with Joint Business Statement of the business community on the EU due diligence proposal (CS3D)

19 Jan 2023

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JBCE and EBC jointly publish a statement highlighting their commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices

16 Feb 2024

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JBCE cosigned Joint Statement on CS3D ahead of Plenary along with 36 European industry associations

25 May 2023

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JBCE CSR Committee holds meeting with the EFRAG to discuss on The EU Sustainability Reporting Standards(ESRS)

09 Dec 2022

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JBCE submitted its opinion on the Commission's initiative regarding Administrative burden – rationalisation of reporting requirements

28 Nov 2023

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JBCE cosigned Cross-industry letter on due diligence harmonisation(CS3D)

21 Mar 2023

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JBCE CSR Committee holds meeting with the Commission on Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

31 Aug 2022

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EVENT : Sustainable & Responsible Supply Chains (November 21)

29 Oct 2023

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JBCE responded to Public Consultation of OECD Guidelines for MNEs

10 Feb 2023

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JBCE published the position paper on the Commission’s proposal for a Forced Labour Product Ban

30 Nov 2022

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