JBCE updates
JBCE Compliance Statement
It is the policy of Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE) to comply strictly with the letter and spirit of all applicable EU and national competition rules and the General Data Protection Regulation.
1. Competition law
Any activities of JBCE or JBCE-related actions of its staff, board of directors, committee chairpersons, committee members or members that violate competition law are detrimental to the interests of the association and damage all of its members. Such activities are therefore contrary to JBCE policy.
Participation in JBCE meetings by its very nature brings competitors together. Accordingly, it is necessary to avoid discussions of commercially sensitive topics and especially important to avoid recommendations with respect to such subjects.
Members and JBCE shall therefore strictly observe the Competition Law Compliance Guidelines which have been circulated by JBCE separately, or are attached hereto. JBCE member organisations are likely to have their own competition policies in place and you should familiarize yourselves with these. Where possible you should also discuss any questions that you may have with your own legal advisers.
In the event of doubt in respect of any item on the agenda or on the course the discussions are taking, please inform JBCE staff of your doubts and they will ensure that your concerns are properly recorded, that the item is removed or the discussion halted.
2. Protection of personal data
JBCE collects, uses and is responsible for certain personal data about its members and stakeholders. JBCE is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation, which applies to the processing of personal data in the context of the activities of a controller or a processor. JBCE is responsible as ‘controller’ of that personal data for the purposes of those laws. By submitting any personal data to us, members consent and agree that JBCE may collect, use such personal data, and as permitted or required by law, JBCE may disclose the information to a third party, such as business partners, or as otherwise authorised under applicable law.
At the meetings organised by JBCE, a participants list is prepared, in order to record who was present physically or remotely at the meeting. The participants list is shared with the registered JBCE members and stakeholders who participate in the meeting.
During the JBCE meeting pictures may be taken, and the meeting may be recorded, in which participants may be featured. Pictures may be used for the purpose of public relations (website, publications, etc..), and audio recording may be used to prepare meeting minutes only by the JBCE staff.
Any personal data mentioned above will not be used for commercial purposes.
Meeting participants will give JBCE the right to use such materials for the purposes above mentioned by;
signing this statement (for the participants attending physically)
attending the meeting (for the participants attending remotely)
If you have any question please contact JBCE staff or send email to このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。.