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JBCE submitted its views on trade in e-waste and e-scrap (Delegated Regulations amending the Waste Shipment Regulation)


On 3 July, JBCE submitted its views on trade in e-waste and e-scrap in response to the proposed delegated regulations amending the Waste Shipment Regulation.

JBCE stressed the importance of (1) consistency in the classification of non-hazardous waste (Y49) by all Member State authorities and (2) clear, fair and simplified requirements for intra/extra-EU shipments. JBCE also emphasised the need for an adequate transition period in order not to hamper trade in non-hazardous waste, which will allow the EU to benefit from the recycling capacities of trading partners, which will certainly contribute to the achievement of the EU circular economy.

You can download our position paper below.

For more information, please contact Hibiki Kimura (Trade Policy Manager) or Tetsusaburo Miura (Environment & Energy Manager). (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)