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CSR Committee welcomes OECD and EC reps. on ‘Conflict Minerals’


The JBCE CSR Committee and Committee chair Yukako Kinoshita were honoured to welcome Hannah Koep-Andrieu, Policy Adviser at the OECD Responsible Business Conduct Unit, and Enikõ Blaszauer, Policy Officer at  the European Commission’s DG Trade, Unit G3 (Industry, Energy and Raw Materials). Both guest speakers enriched the Committee discussions on “Conflict Minerals”, summarizing the key issues and highlighting the latest developments. It was a valuable opportunity for JBCE member companies to exchange views and learn more about  additional OECD due diligence guidance supplements, future target countries for OECD outreach work, the relationship between the US Dodd Frank Act and the EU draft Regulation proposal, and the challenge of getting smelters to voluntarily sign up for the self-certification list. JBCE is committed to cooperating closely with both organisations.